Saturday, June 17, 2023

2022-2023 Nevada Legislation Session Recap

There has been a lot of movement in this state. The legislation session is over so below are the end points on bills. Also our Governor has signed two bills that I fear is reflected by what I was worried about when he was running. I had hope. He didn’t get the school choice bill approved. But, more his stance on abortion is in-line with Sisolak. Also this forcing companies to pay for gender affirming care including surgeries for minors is just the making of parental nightmares. He is opening a door he may not be able to close.

Governor Lombardo challenged voters to read the “whole” bill so I did read through the bill. It is 38 pages long.  If you click on the link below you can also read the bill its entirety. The language does put limits on transition surgeries if just cosmetic surgeries, but it does put the cost on the company to pay for the whole transition process, such as counseling, psychiatry, and other medically necessary gender-affirming health care.  Basically, being Health Insured includes gender-affirming healthcare which is expensive and could take years so I do expect our health insurance prices will eventually sky-rocket. Also notice (b) Pediatric endocrinologists. 

Nevada Legislature NELIS site: SB163

Insurance Coverage for Gender-Affirming Care Bill

Example Sec. 1.3:

SB163 includes this statement on page 3, #5:

When determining whether treatment is medically necessary for the purposes of this section, an insurer must consider the most recent Standards of Care published by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, or its successor organization.

Here is a glimpse of the Goal for standard of care outlined on the WPATH site:

WPATH Standards of Care Version 8

This assistance may include primary care, gynecologic and urologic care, reproductive options, voice and communication therapy, mental health services (e.g., assessment, counseling, psychotherapy), and hormonal and surgical treatments. While this is primarily a document for health professionals, the SOC may also be used by individuals, their families, and social institutions to understand how they can assist with promoting optimal health for members of this diverse population.

Also passed is opposite of the pro-life stance Governor Lombardo campaigned:

Silver State’s Catalyst Fund allows Nevada’s lawmakers to dominate the state’s economy.

Corporation Seizes the NV Legislature

“The so-called Catalyst Fund was the Silver State’s most prolific foray into corporate welfare in a century. It was also a brazen violation of the Nevada Constitution, which expressly prohibits the state from donating or loaning money or its credit or gaining a financial interest in any private company.”

Investors driven by politics like Black Rock are here in Nevada forcing ESG norms including green energy, diversity, inclusion, & equity (DEI), and critical theory.

NV Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) 

Legislative sessions have ended so here are some highlights:

Nevada Policy Research Institute is a great resource as it has bulleted points of the action happening each week during the legislative session. The link below is Week 16:

NPRI Under the Dome: this week in Carson City

So you get solar panels and think your electric bill would be low as you are making energy for your home. Not if lawmakers have their way. Spread the solar energy around so I may be paying for the distribution of energy. 

NV Energy proposes massive rate hike for distribution

Here are the bills Governor Lombardo vetoed:

Lombardo vetoes $7 billion budget bill

Education related:

Nevada Democrats pass measure to find school boards $5K a day for transgender sports ban:

NV Dems-transgender sports ban

Governor Lombardo signed the bill elevating June 19 from observance to a state holiday:

Juneteenth State Holiday

US Dept. of Education promotion of all public schools to celebrate Pride month:

US Dept. Promotes Pride Month

AB400: Bad and Good News

Bad news: Democratic leadership did not pass The Education, Achievement, Opportunity, and Accountability Act. Shutting down the expansion of scholarships that would provide students with school choice.

Good news: transportation for charter schools and expanded the list of entities that can sponsor public charter schools, including cities and counties.

Power2Parent is also an excellent resource. Sign up for updates on bills that affect parental rights, education, and our children. Here is their recap of the 82nd Session. They also include links to the bill on NELIS:

  • AB357 Sex education: implements expansive, explicit sex education and changes parental permission for participation from opt-in to opt-out. This bill died.

  • SB439 Sex education: allows sexuality education to be taught in every course and allows outside educators (not accountable to parents) to teach the course (see sections 17 and 18). Sections 17 and 18 were deleted and passed.

  • SB74 - Grandparents rights: Grants grandparents and great-grandparents rights to their grand-children. This bill died.

  • AB175 Appointed School Board: adds four non-voting members to the board of trustees; one appointed by the county commissioners and three from the three most populous city councils. Appointed school board positions take the power away from parents to vote for and hold trustees accountable. This bill was passed and signed by the Governor.

  • SB172 allows a minor (under 18) to consent to medical treatment and healthcare services for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases including treatment of STD's and contraception without parental consent. This bill was passed and signed by the Governor.

  • SB163 - Requires certain health insurance to cover treatment of certain conditions relating to gender dysphoria, gender incongruence and other disorders of sexual development. Power2Parent recommended the following amendment: Amendment section 2 (a)-(d) and require written approval by both parents and/or all legal guardians. This bill passed but has not been signed by the Governor.

  • SB344 Defunds charter schools: Attacks school choice and charter schools by restricting local jurisdictions from funding charter schools. (see sections 9 and 10) This bill attempts to defund charter schools giving families fewer choices in education. This bill died.

  • AB423 Prohibits elected school board officials from adopting policies that would block biological males from using girls' private spaces and participating in girls sports. It comes with a fine of $5000/ day. This bill died.

  • AB330 Safer and Supportive Schools Act: Governor Lombardo's bill allows teachers to remove a student from the classroom if their behavior puts others at risk. This bill received bi-partisan support with an amendment. This bill was passed.

  • AB400 Education, Achievement, Opportunity and Accountability Act: Parents champion this bill put forth by Governor Lombardo that will give families educational choice to escape failing schools in their zip code. This bill was significantly amended and passed. It includes transportation for charter schools. Read by grade three. Investment in early childhood literacy. Allows city or counties to sponsor charter schools. Authorizes Teach Nevada Scholarships to boost teacher pipeline. The bill no longer includes Opportunity Scholarship funding.