Sunday, January 21, 2024

Primary vs. Caucus, Ranked voting, and Require Voter ID

 Presidential Preference Primary vs. the West Caucus

There are two elections held in Nevada. You can choose to vote in BOTH or in only one

***The party will use the results of the Caucus, and NOT the Primary to determine how it will award the state’s delegates at the Republican nominating convention. 

How do I check the status of my voter registration



-must be a registered Republican or Democrat to vote

-Republican and Democratic candidates who choose to be in the PPP will not be on the Caucus Ballot

-Early voting sites: January 27th-February 2nd, 2024

Secretary of State 2024 Election Information

Early Voting Sites

***Make note that the sites do not provide information on the Caucus

-Walk in Primary: February 6, 2024



John Castro

Armando Perez-Serrato “Mando”

Heath Fulkerson

Brent Foutz

Hirsch Singh

Marianne Williamson

Michael Pence (dropped out)

Steven Lyons

Timothy Scott (dropped out)

Joseph Biden

Donald Kjornes

Jason Palmer

Nikki Haley

Donald Picard

Stephen Leon

John Haywood

Gabriel Cornejo

Frank Lozada

Superpayaseria Crystalroc

Mark Prascak

West Republican Caucus:

-must be a Registered Republican to vote (last date to change to Republican was January 8, 2024)

West Caucus Republicans

Former President Donald J. Trump

Vivek Ramaswamy (dropped out)

Governor Ron DeSantis (dropped out)

Former Governor Chris Christie (dropped out)

Governor Doug Burgum

Ryan Brinkley

Date: February 8. 2024

Time: Check-ins starts at 5 pm, the meetings start at 6 pm, and will end at 7:30 pm

-Drop in voting is between 5 pm -7:30 pm

-must know your Congressional District (Precinct) as you can only vote at assigned precinct

Northern/Southern Nevada (smaller counties can look up by county)

-How to look up your precinct (example Southern Nevada)

-Find where to vote based on your precinct (example Northern Nevada)

-Find where to vote based on your precinct

Nevada GOP West Caucus Locations (control f to search by precinct you found from above link)

Ex. precinct 3022 in clark county will be located at Canyon Springs High School (address listed)

Voting Resources:

MFV Election Reminders

Clark County Caucus Q & A videos

MFV: Text vote to 50457 (updates) (notifies you of upcoming elections-goes to your email)

2024 Nevada State Judicial Candidates 

Judicial Candidates by county

Washoe County 2024 List of Offices Up for Election

Clark County 2024 Elections (look to left Site Navigation-listed out by position-look for Nevada if you see multiple state listed)


Listed on Nevada Secretary of State Site

2024 Petitions

Urgent Petitions and voting not listed on site:

-A bill pushed by Republican Gov. Joe Lombardo this year to enact voter ID laws stalled in the Democratic-controlled Legislature.

-Purpose of Initiative Petition: 

  1. In Person: Each voter in Nevada shall present photo identification to verify identity when voting in person at a polling place during early voting or on election day before being provided a ballot.

  2. Mail In: Each voter in Nevada who votes by mail-in ballot shall enter one of the following in the block provided next to the voter’s signature for election officials to use in verifying the voter’s identity (last 4 digits of Nevada Driver’s License Number or last 4 digits of Social Security number)

-need 140,000 valid registered voter signatures

-where to go to sign: Feb 8, 2024 West Caucus voting precincts

-Consequences: Must be on the ballot in 2024 and 2026 to become law, so sign the petition to get the initiative on the ballot for the 1st cycle (2024)-watch for 2nd cycle (2026)

On the 11/2024 Ballot, if C-01-2023 gets enough signatures on the petition (Pro-life then Do Not Sign)

Nevadans for Reproductive Freedom PAC Information

-adds language: regardless of age, eliminates parental involvement protecting predators and abortion traffickers

-adds rights to equality and equal protection: gender identity and expression

-removes language-blurs the line at what point can a baby survive outside the uterus w/o extraordinary medical measures

-abortion legal through all 9 months of pregnancy

Vote Against: (Ranked Voting--Passed once ranked voting just needs 2nd vote to change Nevada voting)

By using ranked-choice voting, we’re putting our elections into the hands of the elite experts and computer programmers who created the algorithms that assign votes to candidates and determine a winner that, most times, is not one anyone wants.

-no limit to list of candidates so cout be up to 16 names

-people vote until one candidate gets 51% of the vote 

-if no candidate get 50% of the vote on the first round

-then the lowest number (bottom 2-5 candidates) of votes is even distributed between rest

-repeat process until one candidate gets that 51%

-You have no idea if it will be your favored candidate during the redistribution process. 

Nevada against Ranked-Choice Voting

(Bottom Line-A computer picks who will be in charge of your state-Vote NO!)

January 2024 Informational Events

Southern Nevada

Moms for Libertyy-Take back the Classroom

Tuesday, January 30th

Sahara West Library

9600 W. Sahara, Las Vegas, NV 89117

Time: 6 pm-7:30 pm

Northern Nevada

Believers At the Ballot Box

Calvary Chapel-Reno Sparks

220 Edison Way, Reno

Begins at 6:30 pm

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Ever heard of Ecocide? Then what kind of steward are you?

 Stewardship requires an understanding of which position of authority you are ruled under?

1st: The world defines good stewardship by using dominance, regulation, and forced obedience. The elite, leaders, and government are spelling out how 

-World economic forum meeting to discuss taking rights away and being owned by a world government

Money: Programmable Digital Currency (Central Bank)

-create an individual digital identity (ID) for inclusive development

-power to revoke a driver's license, cancel a loan, deny access to your bank account, track your location, etc..

Redistribution of wealth: 

-Rep. Cori Bush “when COVID was destroying us, we invested in the American people in a way that kept the economy afloat.” “The government can invest in the same way in reparations without raising taxes on anyone.”

“Where did the money come from?” “We spent it into existence.” (Rep. Cori Bush)

Lie-socialists and Marxists don't care about money (see quote above)

-all about class envy = breeds bitterness and anger and division

Remove the Constitution:

“Our country was not founded on the principle that all people are created equal. It was founded at the expense of the lives, freedoms and well-being of black people, African folks who they stole, whose enslavement, exploitation and dehumanization were written into the Constitution.” (Rep. Cori Bush)

-reward the unlawful man as the same as the lawful man

-structural racism = means it must demolish the foundations and structures America was built upon like patriotism, religion, morality, and faith

Climate: Individual Carbon Footprint Tracker and Ecocide

Lie-crisis lies in the over-reliance on natural gas instead of renewable energy

-tracks where you travel, how you travel, what are you eating, where do you shop, what platforms are you consuming, over carbon allotment shut your car off, shut down your heater or air conditioner, too much money spent shut down what you can and can shop for, and what if you purchase a gun? 

Fossil Fuels & Humans: Ecocide:

-accused of killing the globe, humans are some kind of virus damaging nature, nature is collateral damage when we participate in environmental genocide like being alive, using any type of energy, etc…

-there should be legal punishment when invading environmental space

-who are these climate criminals? Farmers, Fisherman, Ranchers, so anyone using land resources to grow things, animals, fish, or plants as food are killing the Earth

Ex. irony: Isn’t eating bugs killing the Earth or do those count? 

Noah Yuval: Legal system of human rights is a fiction story so not reality not biological reality-jellyfish have no rights so humans have no rights either-cut open a body you don’t find rights-humans invented human rights

Irony: One World Leader speaks truth

“I'm here to tell you that the western world is in danger and it is endangered because those who are supposed to have to defend the values of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that inextricably leads to socialism and thereby to poverty.” President of Argentina, Javier Milei

2nd: Spiritual stewardship is recognizing that everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God and being grateful and generous with those gifts. God reveals His perfect and infinite love for us visibly in His Son, Jesus Christ. A steward makes God's love visible by imitating Jesus. Stewardship is the intersection of prayer and action. It’s discipleship—living your faith

-Genesis establishes the absolute truth that God created everything


-the goal is not to turn out people who just know how to vote, but they will preach in season and out of season

-to use the expository teaching of the word of God

-the word of God comes with implications, the gospel comes with implications

-embrace the entire body of Christian truth

-Christianity comes with a stewardship and responsibilities that has to be made clear through the preaching of the word of God. 

-to understand Christian ministry in the context of a Biblical centrality of the church and purposes of God

-centrality of preaching in the life of the church, and their responsibility to preach the word in such a way that God's people live it out faithfully


-vital role of Christians in the world should be to be educated in a solid Christian worldview and political philosophy 

-truth becomes more costly when it is not defended 

-do not be trained by the world- all medias want to indoctrinate you to become political progressives

-you have a stewardship of influence ex. Not voting is voting-it is living in unfaithfulness telling God you choose not to be a good steward because you do not believe in what God can do 

-Politics is too nasty but why are Christians surprised? 

-we should be disgusted by it as we are moral beings who should propel

righteousness and justice

-What is your criteria for voting? What is your criteria on stewardship?

What is your criteria to have belief and faith in our all encompassing God

-when Christians are involved in the public square then we can be part of

preventing before the system is broken because trying to repair a broken

system is much more difficult

-we should be informed, aware, make a difference, and concerned citizens,

therefore more likely to vote

-we do not represent a voting pattern but believe in essential truths-want

society to thrive and survive-faith is essential and vote is an extension of that faith

2 dimensions in the Christian faith: (by Dr. Albert Mohler)

-one one hand ultimately all that matters is the kingdom of Christ. It is visible right

now in Christ’s people and it will come in its fullness of the biblical promise that every

knee will bow and tongue confess -the redeemed will be with Jesus-no more tears or

pain & Christ will reign with saints forever-in this sense we can lose anything in this

world and it will not matter 

-on the other hand Jesus has not yet come to inaugurate his kingdom in his fullness,

that means that God’s sovereign plan is that our time in this world will mean something,

we are given this opportunity so as Christians we must maximize every opportunity and

stewardship, be faithful in every dimension, even as our ultimate citizenship is in a heavenly

kingdom, God for his own reasons for his own glory has left us in this earthly kingdom but we

have to be just as much his people on the earthly kingdom as we are in the heavenly kingdom,

-be encouraged to stay in the battle 

“Principles of the kingdom of God bring the world in order. God created the world to work in a certain way. He gave us His law so when we obey it brings prosperity and is how a society flourishes.” John Cooper (lead singer of Skillet)

Divergent secular humanist utopia = create a perfect America where everybody is equal and everyone has the same amount of money and everyone’s culture is celebrated, but take away God so that man becomes god. Government becomes a god where the wealthy elites know better than those being controlled. They must displace Christianity to build up the government to take over-leads to dystopia!

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Revival or the Spirit of the Age by Billy Graham

 Revival or the Spirit of the Age by Billy Graham

“I call upon the church today to fall on its knee before God and ask the God and Captain of our salvation to lead us in a spiritual revolution that will shake the very foundations of the social structure.”
Billy Graham

-Apostle Paul warned us that the latter days a spirit of lawlessness would prevail

-the spirit of lawlessness is the spirit of the antichrist

-the New Testament warns that this spirit will invade the church so the church needs to be constantly on guard

-there is a revolt against authority of all kinds

-moral standards are laughed at 

-the church is considered a useless institution

-in the United States, even the Constitution is considered out-of-date

-selfishness reigns-selfishness is sin, and people are sinners

-the spirit of lawlessness is in the home

-each child has become a law unto himself/herself

-there is no voice of authority in the home (parents)

***If children do not learn to obey their parents then how do we expect them to obey any authority

-moral restraint placed by God upon men and women is now laughed at and ridiculed

-the immorality is the curse of Washington

-past nations are being destroyed by disintegration of moral character

-modern expressions of revolutions are the natural results of a lawlessness in the hearts of men and women

-we are in a time of rebellion against Got

***God is not surprised by this-Scripture speaks out that the world is the Man whom the world rejected. That God-man is Jesus, as Redeemer and Savior and leave the rest to Him

David Brooks article How America Got Mean link

The church 

-raises its voice against deplorable morals of our day

-the moral restraint placed by God upon men and women is now laughed at and ridiculed

-pray and instill a voice of revival

-History gives us only one remedy, and that is a spirit revival

-the church must lead 

-revolution against corruption in high places, against immorality, licentiousness and sensuality, which are pervading every realm of our society

-revolution against against alcoholism and drug trafficking

-revolution against lying, cheating, and cutting corners in business

-revolt against hypocrisy, spiritual indifference, and slothfulness on the part of church members

***the church today should be falling on their knees before God and ask the God and Captain of our salvation to lead us in a spiritual revolution that will shake the very foundations of the social structure

-Christianity is not a religion for weaklings

***We must be strong, virile, and dynamic if we are to stand as the moral spiritual strength until the return of Christ

“For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life” (Romans 5:10).

“The Bible teaches that you are at enmity with God, that you are separated from God. The Bible teaches that ether is now way back to God except through Jesus Christ. And if God says that to the individual, God also says it to the nation. Until this nation humbles itself and prays and seeks God and falls upon its face and receives Christ as Savior, there is no hope. There is only one road-one way out-and that is through a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ” (Billy Graham).