Sunday, July 9, 2023

July 9, 2023 DDF Liberty/Changes


Added content:

Jesus righteous anger: you do this is evil but what will happen to you will be even worse.

God created them in their mother’s womb-He knew them before they were even born

-As parents we are entrusted with what Jesus vehemently warned not to bring harm.

Normalize pedophilia-derogatory term-minor attracted person-border-children in the crosshairs

-they are target-liberating them enslaves them. 

Create a movement @

-Stop education from grooming our kids

-Hard truths of the Global Child Sex Trade and the spiritual battle for our children

-Hear the Sound of freedom

Your passions don’t have to become the church’s passions.

Bring politics up and it's too divisive-our purpose to lead people to Jesus.

Can’t show God’s love through politics.

What is  the purpose of a church if you only teach and speak to half of the Bible.

Shying away from topics that could cause some controversy?

Jesus didn’t shy away but skillfully confronted lying and those taking advantage of the helpless.

Happy birthday sweet Jazzy! The world is just a little bit dimmer without you!

I ran across this on facebook today. She was one of my students. Through high school she needed a kidney transplant. She tried to earn credits, but with dialysis it is a lot of stress on the body. She was so sick, so knowing she had to focus on her health and earn her high school diploma that is where I guided her to do. She got her kidney and did finish. I went to lunch with her and her mom and it was so emotionally happy. That kidney did extend her life, but unfortunately she left this earth in 2013. Just beginning her life at age 21.

I mention her today because as I read through the comments she is still truly loved and of course greatly missed. The greatest losses in our lifetimes teaches us to master great strength. Ironically or not, we have another senior awaiting a kidney transplant. Same bubbly sweet personality. Just go with the flow, smiling-no excuses kind of student. You look at her and see all her hopes and dreams of her future in her eyes.

Students can frustrate me to no end, but they can also inspire me in ways I couldn’t imagine. It is my awe of our youth that I had to say goodbye to the church I called home for the last 3 years. Good hearted people, but no room for me to grow. I have been very consistent in that I did not agree with these lockdowns as I watched kids disconnect from real life and enter the mentally crippling isolation with the only outlet being social media. I have watched curriculum morph into buzzwords-social emotional learning. Education is trying to heal the damage it caused. Restorative justice, oppressors, oppressed, diversity, equity, inclusion, and pushing this gender agenda. Many churches are silent on the issues plaguing our schools. So, I am moving to a church where I can be part of the solutions and not just pretend what our kids are being taught is not the education our founders built for this nation.

Where does heaven stand on issues? That is the question for the church today. There is nothing under the sun more important than protecting the innocence of our children.

I keep coming back to this scripture:
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!” (Matthew 18:6-7).

My goal is to become a Constitutional Coach. I took the Biblical Citizenship through Patriot Academy. I also took Apologetics, Christianity with C.S. Lewis, History of the America Church, and Constitution 101 through Hillsdale college. My Faith Votes has helped me in growing and understanding the integral importance of the church being involved in the politics of our nation. Here are links to check them out yourself-All free!

If you haven’t seen the movie, Sound of Freedom, I hope you take a chance. It was powerful and well done. It is a topic that is hard to talk about, but what a message:
God’s children are not for sale!
Can we love God’s children more than we fear evil?

The song, Sound of Freedom, is about shining light into the darkness. May we be that light!
Find love in a hopeless time
Find hope in the hardest night
The darker the sky
The brighter shines the light
Find faith for the terrified
Find strength, know you'll survive