Monday, February 19, 2024

The Climate Scam: Revitalizing Our Nations' Commitment to Environmental Justice for All

 The Climate Scam 

The current amount of money, $1.3 trillion annually, 

being spent on climate initiatives is nowhere near enough, 

according to the Climate Policy Initiative.

On April 21, 2023, President Biden signed Executive Order 14096, “Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All.” The Executive Order defines Environmental justice as:


[T]he just treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of income, race, color, national origin, Tribal affiliation, or disability, in agency decision-making and other Federal activities that affect human health and the environment so that people:

 (i)  are fully protected from disproportionate and adverse human health and environmental effects (including risks) and hazards, including those related to climate change, the cumulative impacts of environmental and other burdens, and the legacy of racism or other structural or systemic barriers; and

(ii) have equitable access to a healthy, sustainable, and resilient environment in which to live, play, work, learn, grow, worship, and engage in cultural and subsistence practices.

Assistant Secretary of Health Claims:

Climate change is having a disproportionate effect on the physical and mental health of Black communities,” Levine said in a Black History Month message. “Black Americans are more likely than white Americans to live in areas of housing that increase their susceptibility to climate related health issues.”

****climate change leads structural racism, discrimination, and inadequate access to healthcare

How to we combat racist weather? 

Climate Change and Health Equity (OCCHE)


To protect the health of people throughout the US in the face of climate change, especially those experiencing a higher share of exposures and impacts

Office Priority Terms:

-disproportionate exposures

-disparities exacerbated by climate impacts

-enhance community health resilience

-multi-sectoral climate actions

-fostering innovation in climate adaptation

-resilience for disadvantaged people: disproportionate impacts and health inequities

-build climate and health workforce

-innovative programming to address disparities and health sector transformation

Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)


The White House/HHS Health Sector Pledge is a voluntary commitment to reduce emissions and improve climate resilience. Signing organizations agree to cut their greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2030 and achieve net zero emissions by 2050.Dec 3, 2023

Office Priority Terms:

-a matter of equity is a critical step towards fostering a healthier, more resilient society

-crucial message is a testament to the ongoing struggle for justice at the intersection of race, health, and the environment, urging us to consider the broader implications of our planet's changing climate.

Office of Environmental Justice (working group for the OCCHE within the HHS)


This effort is part of HHS’ broader work to support disadvantaged communities and Tribes facing the brunt of environmental injustices, including health harms due to climate change.

Office Priority Terms:

- people of color, disadvantaged, vulnerable, low-income, marginalized, and indigenous peoples, are disproportionately burdened by environmental hazards.

-environmental threats that drive health disparities, are underserved, and are often surrounded by social inequities.

-combination of environmental risks and social inequities create a cumulative, disproportionate impact that hinders optimal health and environmental justice for these populations. 

Mitigate the impacts of climate change on health outcomes

Develops and oversees implementation of the 2022 Health Sector Pledge environmental justice strategy and implementation plan

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 

Office Priority:

 Long-standing socioeconomic inequities can make  underserved groups, who often have the highest exposure to hazards and the fewest resources to respond, more vulnerable. 



-Experts believe there is still time to avoid the most negative of outcomes by limiting warming and reducing emissions to zero as quickly as possible

-lowering emissions will lessen harmful impacts to human health, saving countless lives and billions of dollars in health-related expenses.

-Despite pandemic shutdowns, carbon dioxide and methane surged in 2020

-controls over drought, flooding, snow/ice, and food supply

-Changes in weather and climate patterns can put lives at risk

-controls over weather: oceans, hurricanes, tornados, etc.

-The most vulnerable groups, including children, the elderly, people with preexisting health conditions, outdoor workers, people of color, and people with low income, are at an even higher risk because of the compounding factors from climate change.

“Not only was 2023 the warmest year in NOAA’s 174-year climate record—it was the warmest by far,” said Sarah Kapnick, NOAA’s chief scientist.

“A warming planet means we need to be prepared for the impacts of climate change that are happening here and now, like extreme weather events that become both more frequent and severe.”

Physical Infrastructure (racism)

-includes bridges, roads, ports, electrical grids, broadband internet, and other parts of our transportation and communication systems

-designed without future climate in mind

-communities to invest in resilient infrastructure that will be able to withstand future climate risks

Resilience education (indoctrinate youth)

educate people to use Earth system science to increase ecosystem stewardship and resilience to extreme weather, climate change, and other environmental hazards. We’ve developed a theory of change for how and why our grants program’s K-12 formal and informal education projects are critical to building community resilience.

-essential principles of Climate Literacy developed by NOAA

standards that create a framework for teaching climate.

-toolbox for teaching climate & energy

explores a learning process to help students engage in climate action in their own communities or on a global scale.

Faulty data: NOAA 

But a growing chorus of climate scientists are saying the temperature readings are faulty and that the trillions of dollars pouring in are based on a problem that doesn’t exist.

More than 90 percent of NOAA’s temperature monitoring stations have a heat bias, according to Anthony Watts, a meteorologist, senior fellow for environment and climate at The Heartland Institute, author of climate website Watts Up With That, and director of a study that examined NOAA’s climate stations.

-'woke' ideology, conflating climate change, gender fluidity, and anti-racism into a single, indigestible narrative. 

-NOAA and NASA have adjusted historical temperature data in such a way as to make the past appear colder and, by doing so, make the current warming trend more pronounced.

-The agency estimates that “daytime temperatures in urban areas are 1–7 degrees Fahrenheit higher than temperatures in outlying areas, and nighttime temperatures are about 2–5 degrees Fahrenheit higher.”

-Consequently, NOAA requires all its climate observation stations to be located at:

“We found stations located next to the exhaust fans of air conditioning units, surrounded by asphalt parking lots and roads, on blistering-hot rooftops, and near sidewalks and buildings that absorb and radiate heat,” Mr. Watts said.

“We found 68 stations located at wastewater treatment plants, where the process of waste digestion causes temperatures to be higher than in surrounding areas.”

The report concluded that the U.S. temperature record was unreliable, and because it was considered “the best in the world,” global temperature databases were also “compromised and unreliable.”

Adjustments to historical data:

-transient temperature readings, which are short-term temperature changes that can give a false reading.

-NOAA itself stated on its website that its temperature readings aren’t precise and that the agency adds a margin of error to its temperatures.


“But the strength of that trend is considerably less than what climate models predict, and it is those models which are used to argue for changes in energy policy and CO2 emissions reduction.”

“The satellite data are a better measure of global temperature change because [they] do not suffer from conventional surface temperature station location problems or the numerous forms of NOAA data editing activities,”  he said. 

“Contrary to media reports and environmental organizations’ press releases, global warming offers no justification for carbon-based regulation.”

“Surface thermometers only cover a tiny fraction of the Earth, whereas the satellites provide nearly complete global coverage,” he said.

 -NASA’s claim that satellite data is inferior to surface temperature readings is “nonsense.”

“UAH satellite data is the only data source that is truly global in nature. It effectively measures the temperature of earth’s entire atmosphere, and especially the lower troposphere—where our weather is actually created,” he said.

Follow the money:

“This means that climate finance must increase by at least five-fold annually, as quickly as possible, to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.”