Sunday, January 14, 2024

Revival or the Spirit of the Age by Billy Graham

 Revival or the Spirit of the Age by Billy Graham

“I call upon the church today to fall on its knee before God and ask the God and Captain of our salvation to lead us in a spiritual revolution that will shake the very foundations of the social structure.”
Billy Graham

-Apostle Paul warned us that the latter days a spirit of lawlessness would prevail

-the spirit of lawlessness is the spirit of the antichrist

-the New Testament warns that this spirit will invade the church so the church needs to be constantly on guard

-there is a revolt against authority of all kinds

-moral standards are laughed at 

-the church is considered a useless institution

-in the United States, even the Constitution is considered out-of-date

-selfishness reigns-selfishness is sin, and people are sinners

-the spirit of lawlessness is in the home

-each child has become a law unto himself/herself

-there is no voice of authority in the home (parents)

***If children do not learn to obey their parents then how do we expect them to obey any authority

-moral restraint placed by God upon men and women is now laughed at and ridiculed

-the immorality is the curse of Washington

-past nations are being destroyed by disintegration of moral character

-modern expressions of revolutions are the natural results of a lawlessness in the hearts of men and women

-we are in a time of rebellion against Got

***God is not surprised by this-Scripture speaks out that the world is the Man whom the world rejected. That God-man is Jesus, as Redeemer and Savior and leave the rest to Him

David Brooks article How America Got Mean link

The church 

-raises its voice against deplorable morals of our day

-the moral restraint placed by God upon men and women is now laughed at and ridiculed

-pray and instill a voice of revival

-History gives us only one remedy, and that is a spirit revival

-the church must lead 

-revolution against corruption in high places, against immorality, licentiousness and sensuality, which are pervading every realm of our society

-revolution against against alcoholism and drug trafficking

-revolution against lying, cheating, and cutting corners in business

-revolt against hypocrisy, spiritual indifference, and slothfulness on the part of church members

***the church today should be falling on their knees before God and ask the God and Captain of our salvation to lead us in a spiritual revolution that will shake the very foundations of the social structure

-Christianity is not a religion for weaklings

***We must be strong, virile, and dynamic if we are to stand as the moral spiritual strength until the return of Christ

“For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life” (Romans 5:10).

“The Bible teaches that you are at enmity with God, that you are separated from God. The Bible teaches that ether is now way back to God except through Jesus Christ. And if God says that to the individual, God also says it to the nation. Until this nation humbles itself and prays and seeks God and falls upon its face and receives Christ as Savior, there is no hope. There is only one road-one way out-and that is through a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ” (Billy Graham).