Friday, December 22, 2023

Resurgence of Klan Act Lawsuits: Ever heard of Ku Klux Klan Act?

 Ku Klux Klan Act was passed by Congress in 1871

This only came to my attention from a post I saw on X. Brandon Straka (#WalkAway Campaign) won the J6 case against him made by the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.

In his words:

They sued me under the KKK Act, alleging that I engaged in a white supremacist attack on black and brown police officers, that I caused their “injuries” (which included being pepper sprayed, and becoming “exhausted”) and conspired to encroach on their civil rights.

Knowing that I committed no violence on J6, and didn’t encourage anybody else to either, this lawsuit alleged that I “violently” breached the barricades of the Capitol and proceeding to attack police officers- including the plaintiffs.

The left has weaponized our legal system, turning Democrat majority districts into a playground where they can abuse the process to harm those who get in the way of their political agendas.

Original Purpose:

Congress used all of its constitutional powers to respond to the Klan's coordinated political violence and intimidation.

-Section 1-Provison in modern American civil rights law-that individuals can sue  in federal course when a state or local officials violate federal law

-Section 2-Banned private conspiracies such as insurrection, witness intimidation, and political intimidation that interfered the emancipated Americans' civil rights

-Section 3-4-Gave the president in power to call on the Army, Navy, and militia against local rebellions and suspend habeas corpus (a fundamental right in the Constitution that protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment.)

-Section 5-Allowed federal judges to keep Klan conspirators off juries

-Section 6-Required public servants and private citizens to take action to prevent the effects of illegal conspiracy which made them liable in court for intentionally failing to report

Original Intention:

-designed to make sure that Southern law enforcement officers would protect all Americans from political violence.


-Klan Act litigation has been rarely used except Civil rights lawyers

1-protect voter registration

2-protection from the Klan and the American Nazi party

3-Freedom Rider in the 1960's against FBI agents who failed to protect him for the risks of white supremacist violence in Alabama


-Members of Congress and injured Capital Police officers have filed Klan Act suits against the alleged perpetrators of the January 6 attacks

-Virginians falsely accused of voter fraud use the Act to sue form member of the Pence-Kobach "voter fraud" commission and his non-profit for voter intimidation

-to sue individuals who circulated robocall targeted at Black neighborhoods with misleading messages that appeared to have been used to dissuade voters across the U.S. from voting by mail

Seems this Klan act is no longer for the protection of citizens, but resurfaces as a political weapon used against its citizens. There is no presumption of innocence but citizens are required to prove their own innocence. Seems today, this Act is being used in reverse.