Wednesday, November 25, 2020

It is Thanksgiving and I thought about how grateful I am for the healing process. Even with all the lock downs, I had a window to visit family. I know it is a small thing, but I was able to put on make-up. Just touching the left side of my face would pulse electricity and pain so I just gave up on make-up. I thought, okay just try, and as I brushed I felt a tingle, but no way stopping me. Mascara and eyeliner, Yes! Slight itching, but hair cooperated too. Those who have a long-term illness or disability can understand my mile stone. Seems superficial, but so much happiness in small things we take for granted. The miracle is that I can see and there is no permanent damage to the left side of my face. Shingles is no fun, but each day I get stronger and am so in awe each day I get up to appreciate my walk.

I am back to jogging. I understand why I like it. I am in competition with myself. I push 10 more steps to 10 more feet, etc...I find the better I feel the more I want to run in celebration of my gaining strength. My journey stopped me in my tracks last year from 5 miles weekdays to 0 and today my fit app logged 3.69 miles. I have a jogging music list and one I want to share is a song that pushes my steps. The lyrics ignites my spirit. It is by TobyMac and it is called “Tonight.”

I wanna feel a new day
(There's gotta be more than this)
I wanna live a new way
(There's gotta be more)
I wanna feel a new day

Under the stars, I promise you my heart

Cause it starts tonight!

We wanna rise,
We wanna touch the other side
(It starts tonight!)
We wanna soar
We wanna reach right out for more
(Cause it starts tonight!)

Amazing song for today as we want that get back to normal and be better people at the end of all that has stopped us from living. My hope is that you find that activity that energizes your spirit. All of us look through the lens of our situation and that is how we navigate through it. We may have short term setbacks, but what is in our long-term path?

I know the circumstances we are in can fatigue us. We are so tired of all of it, but God brought you through this far so don’t give up. As we continue to hear bad news we can just get in the mindset of the future is will be just as bad, but don’t let those thoughts overtake you. I read a quote by an owner of a business and I am not sure if any one else feels this way today, but here it is:

None of the people who make the decisions to shut down businesses and impact people’s livelihoods ever have their own livelihood impacted,” Ehmer told Business Insider. “The people making the decisions are not paying the same price that the workers in this country are paying.”

I get lost in the unfairness of it all. Then I hear and read about all the people coming together to care for others with food, supplies, and presents for kids during these tough times. I read in one of my apps neighbors reaching out to help each other. People volunteering for all kinds of services needed in homes and schools. When I start focusing on the bad I have to recharge by looking for the goodness in humanity. God’s message about our future can also deeply encourage us:

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” Jeremiah 29:11.

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for her who promised is faithful” Hebrews 10:23.

Being confident in this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” Philippians 1:6

I also read somewhere that Thanksgiving should begin with thanks-living which is gratitude in action.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we can reap a harvest if we do not give up” Galatians 6:9

Prayers for each of you and I hope my words are a bright moment in your day/night. Know you are thought of daily and in my own prayers everyday. I believe there is strength in prayer and may our voices heard throughout heaven.

God Bless You,
