A little overdue this past week. It just takes my body longer to get over a simple head cold. My head hurt so I didn’t write over the weekend and at times I make a goal for myself and when I miss a timeline then I think I am harder on myself than others would be. I am not short on stubbornness until some illness lays me flat out. Think I would learn a lesson from myself. I mean I don’t have the hardened heart stubbornness that has turned away from God by rejecting all He has done for me. But, the stubbornness that I want something done that I don’t listen to my body when I have pushed too hard. The kind of stubbornness that I will get it done even if God says it is time to slow down or just enjoy the journey and stop running ahead. Look at what you missed by rushing through life. Then the most powerful reminder came in the mail today. I have listened to Dr. Charles Stanley since I was in middle school. His “Celebrating A Life of Obedience” tribute mini-book sits on my lap. Reading some of his quotes that warm my heart. “Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him.” As he holds that Bible in his hand. How beautiful is this quote: “You don’t have to preach, sing, or go to the mission field to serve God. But you are responsible to obey Him out of love and devotion–to live a godly life and serve Him until the day you take your last breath or He returns. So make every moment count until you see Him face to face. That, my friend, is life at its best.” Here are words of wisdom for us all-I know I want to live by these words: “The most respected and powerful people in Christ’s coming kingdom will be the ones who have proven themselves most obedient, wise, and faithful here on earth. That gives us an amazing motivation to live a strong life in the center of God’s will while we have breath in our lungs.” Last one-What a harvest of life he had over his lifetime. Just a very beautiful soul. “You can do a lot of things for people that do not result in lasting fruit. But when you feed others the truth of Jesus–praying for them and talking to them about what the Lord has done in your life–God will use you to reap great, eternal harvests in them.” Flipping through the pages of this mini-book all I could think about is that song about when we all get to heaven, what a rejoicing there will be where we shout in victory. He would be one I would like to walk along the streets of gold and just talk with. Blessings, dreamdontfade.com He will be missed, so in tribute to him here is an old school hymnal sung by Allen Jackson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOs81eYTKeg
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Monday, May 8, 2023
May 5, 2023 DDF Breathes New Life Post/Health Update & another crazy story
Why I became a blogger:
When schools went on lockdown I knew it was not going to be good for young people. I watched as students locked themselves in their bedrooms with only a computer or phone to keep them company. Learning was pushed to the backseat while that thumbs up/thumbs down on pictures and posts hurt the self-image of so many students. Communication skills eroded. Face masks became the new security pet even in their rooms isolated but still wearing that face mask. People need connections and as they were shattered I became angry at what I saw happening so I started writing about how detrimental isolating our students would be for years to come. We are to be the missionaries in the halls of our government.